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Hello All
I do not have an 1950 De Soto Factory Service Manual or Parts Book
so I need to ask for the 1950 Radio Model's ( Model XXX and Model XXY
or what ever it is ).
Rodger & Gabby
From my parts book here is what I have for the 1950 Desoto and from looking at mine in the garage.
Mopar Model 808
Part Number 1343 831.
If you want I can get some photos of my radio as it is on the bench waiting to get repaired.
As I was conversing with another I first thought of my S-11 and The Radio
Sagga of it during the 1946 to mid production year of 1949. With the "Post
War Vehicles" it seem as if the left over Model 600's and Model 800's fron the
1942 inventory were the object of what people of that time got. As time went
on the new Model 602's and Model 802's were marketed.
The Six Hundred Series has Six Tubes and The Eight Hundred Series has Eight.
The subject is what is for 1950 and I now know it is Model 808 for all De Soto's.
Thank You for helping me.
Rodger & Gabby
I have the accessory book from 1950. It has several other models and part numbers. If you want them too let me know. I can scan the page too.
I would be happy to learn what other Radio Model Options an 1950 De Soto Buyer
had. Some may have been on an Budget, or Thifty and some may have been a
little boastful.
Rodger & Gabby
Just checked my 50 4dr Custom and it has Mopar Model 808 radio.
I also have first 5 volumes of Sam's Photofact car radio schematics - if anyone needs some info - let me know and I'll scan and post data on your particular model if I have it.
Sam's lists models 803, 804 and 805 for 1949 Mopar cars, models 806 and 807 noted as "see model 803, model 809 as "see model 805". The only model listed for 1950 is 808. Judging from pictures only model 804 has the same form factor as 808 and may fit in the 1950 DeSoto. Other 800 models definitely would not fit. I haven't checked 600 series yet - let me know if you need info on them and I'll look it up.
- Igor.
I physically have one Model 800 ( complety re-done ) and one Model 802 ( also
complety re-done ). They both are an up-right design like The 600's and would never fit to the horozonal - split faced design of the 1949 - 1950 dash.
Oh Yeh I would like to know more about the Models 803 - 804 and the 804's that were first used for the second production series of the 1949 year. The same
request is for the 1950 Models 806 - 807 - 808 and that 809 too.
Other than Face Style I would like to know what is different in spec's from the
Model 800 and 802.
Rodger & Gabby
These guys sent me some documentation and I sent them what I had. This is for eh 804 in my 1949 Desoto.
I just got it all into the dash, rebuilt the antenna leads, and had the speaker re-coned and it sounds great! Now if I can just get the car back together...
I use a special box that is custom made for me that is an AM Transmitter that connects via an antenna splitter and plays XM radio to my original radio at a specific frequency. The digital signal and the tube amp sound great. I also use a iPod or anything else with an RCA connector and the black box transmits it to the radio.
Best, James
Turns out that a couple of models of XM receivers are 6 volt. They are internally isolated so you just swap the leads. The black box transmitter works on 6 or 12 volts positive or negative ground.
I was unable to scan manuals - can't fit books into my scanner and I didn't want to cut out pages. I took pictures instead but haven't had time to process them yet. Will try to finish and post over the weekend.
There is no Model 800 listed in my books but there are two versions of Model 802. I took pics of the following models: 802 rev1, 802 rev2, 803, 804, 805 and 808.
OK here is what I have from my accessories catalog.
That person who keeps telling me, " ... a picture says a thousand words" sure
knows me. The fog is cleared and I can see The Differance of one to the
The text with each one explains most of my questions.
I wonder if the Chrysler C48 ( Windsor ) Model 809 will directly fit to
an De Soto ???
Again Than You very much.
Rodger & Gabby
I don't even own a DeSoto yet and I'm loving those documents. Thanks a bunch! They're great to have as a reference.
I've always wondered. Does the glow from the tubes show through the dash or anything when being used at night?
I found something online, a word document that is a brochure for a man named Dick Parks, a retired Navy TechRep (BSEE). Apparently, he refurbishes these old radios and sells them. It would seem he also does repairs. If you need to buy a radio, or have yours fixed, perhaps he would be a good contact. Plus, he owns a '48 Desoto Custom! You can find him by searching "Dick Parks car radio" on Google. The first link is a link to his "webpage" which is, in reality, a word document telling who he is and what he does. It would seems he writes articles for the "Antique Wireless Association" which might indicate he has a passion for these things and might be willing to help someone out if they're having radio problems. Worth a look, anyway.
Edit: Turns out he is a member right here on these forums! He's only posted once, two years ago, but perhaps a PM to him would get answered.
http://desoto.org/phpbbforum/member ... ile&u=3560
By the way, I took some time and added the copied pages to a new Desoto wiki page I started up. It's just an experiment in trying to get all types of Desoto in one, easy to navigate, place. Please have a look and hopefully you will decide to add your own resources, documents, and knowledge.
Justin, looks good, I think it would be nice if we can post as much info online as possible (like Imperial Club folks do) - I hate when I have to pay for every little piece of information.
To answer your earlier question about tubes - no, you won't see the glow but they still sound great - my home audio system is on tubes
Did you got that car at Chattanooga?
- Igor.