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Hi Brent, I finally found all the parts to finish the heater box. The prior owner contacted me and sure enough he had the switch. I've purchased t...
Rich, Sorry we didn't get to connect in Hershey. I stopped by around 9 am and couldn't find anyone or anything to help me connect with you. I didn'...
Hi Rich. I'm a new member to NDC as of July. I just worked out a day at the Hershey show. I'll definitely be by the NDC booth sometime on Frida...
Thanks Brent. The heater box is in place however there is not ducting between the Model 31 defrost chimney and the vents in the lower windshield trim ...
Tim/Brent, Thanks for the tips. I have the owners manual and the service manual. Unfortunately there's nothing covering the heater (I'm thinking it...
Brent, Thanks for the information, as Gene Winfield (60's hod rod and custom car guy from Calif) says, "Every day's a school day!" My car ...