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Anybody have a 39 parts car willing to sell the shift cable?
Another suggestion would be to contact Ed Spiegel from the NDC. He carries a lot of older NOS parts and may just have one.
Hey Al....do you know if the '39 cable is the same as any other surrounding years? I don't have parts books that go back that far but somebody in the club should. Might be abler to expand your search if you find out if the cable fits other years. You might also reach out to Rich Hartung. Good luck!
@markkubancik The shift cable is a unique number for the 39. It was the first year for the column shift. 40 has one, but it is different. As for Rich, we've been good friends since 1990. He knows about my search. I bought a new replacement, but the plunger doesn't move the shift rail assembly far enough to engage reverse and first.