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Help please! I am doing a brake job on my '47 sedan, and need to replace several broken brake shoe pivot pins (NAPA calls them"brake shoe link")
The ones NAPA sells (NAPA P/N 80743 won't fit, but the picture they provide will help you to know the part I am talking about. Andy Burnbaum is out of stock and I can't find these ANYWHERE. Does anyone here know of a source, or have a couple pieces to spare (new or used, I don't care).
What is wrong with the Napa parts? Too long, too large in diameter?
or, what are the dimensions of the ones you need to replace? How many do you need?
i might have some from a ‘56 in a box somewhere.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
The pin/link I nee was used on all models from 1946 thru 1955.
Here is a photo of the damaged link that I need along side the only similar part that NAPA carries.
As you can see, they are "off" on just about every dimension.
The above "sketch" is from Andy Bernbaum's web site (part number G-255) which were only $2.50 each when they were available, but they are currently "out-of-stock" and are looking for a new supplier/manufacturer as their "old source" is gone.
I have a ‘49 Master Parts book, and the "wheel brake shoe push rod" part number is 1140067. I entered that into partsvoice.com and came up with one vendor that lists one pin.
Silkes Auto Parts
Jacksonville, FL
(904) 737-8600
Also, the club roster would help you to find other members with S-11 cars that may be designated as parts cars.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
I searched the web and found the MoPar part number for that brake part on Atlas Obsolete's crossover list: http://atlasobsoleteparts.homestead.com/files/xref1to1599.htm
Link to Atlas' main site here: http://www.atlaschrys.com/
Also, RockAuto shows this item under the '55 DeSoto: RAYBESTOS WK201 Professional Grade; Element3 Wheel Cylinder Repair Kit $11.43. See attached photo for what is included in this kit. Link: https://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo.php?pk=314353&cc=1440346&jsn=339
Good luck!
Thanks guys !! Your inputs have been very helpful. I learned several things on this thread. I have the S-11 Service Manual, but I didn't know there was such a thing as a "Parts Manual". That sounds like a really useful resource to have. I don't think I have ever seen a "Club Roster", but I will start looking for one of those too. I will add the 3 vendors that were suggested to my list of parts sources; they are good to know about too.