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Hi Jessica:
I'll send you a photo of the PT plate along with a few additional photos in a few days. So glad you have been successful gathering information about so many Coronados. I'm curious if you have a guesstimate of how many '55 Coronados might be left on the road?
Jessica...here's another Craigslist Coronado lead:
Jessica...here is a '55 Coronado currently for sale on eBay. You may be able to contact the seller for some data plate info:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DeSoto-C ... 415cccc634
Here is another online listing for a Coronado, this time on Craigslist:
Howdy Doody,
Well, I haven't disappeared. Just have been busy. The Desoto, family, and I will begin our great voyage to Upstate NY in about a week. Still finalizing details on the move, etc. I wished it would have been at a different time so we could attend the convention. Here's to hoping you all have another in the New England area in the near future!
As for Desoto related content: I had to put the seats, tank, etc. back inside her to prep for transport. Last thing to button up is the steering wheel. Kind of feels like I took a step backward by having to put all of the old parts back inside.
Also, I lost my database I had been keeping for the past few years. Thanks so much to everyone who had contributed and passed along leads. It's amazing how many of these Coronados have been popping up lately. Most of the people I contacted regarding the database info never got back with me... just as well, I suppose. My hard drive didn't want to cooperate, either.
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
Best of luck on your move to NY. You'll likely find a few more DeSoto folks in upstate NY, so stay active. Is your move related to your husband's military service?
Hi Mark,
Yes, it is. We'll be stationed there until they're ready to send him elsewhere. Seems like 2-3 years has been the average time between moves.
I am looking forward to seeing what that area has to offer. Seems as though there is lots to do outdoors. We'll be 11 miles from Lake Ontario, and 20-30 min. from Canada.
Our move happens to coincide with the Chryslers at Carlisle show, so we'll be making an appearance there. Will any members be there to represent the NDC? A lot of the large groups always have a tent/table set up. I was there last year, too. Didn't run across many members, but I spent a great deal of time talking to Frank and Lanette Pfeiffer about their beautiful, newly restored Adventurer. Gorgeous car and one of my favorites at the show.
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
The Desoto started her journey to NY yesterday. We'll leave Texas tomorrow to meet up with the transporter on Monday. Looks like we'll need to pull the passg. front wheel off and find out what is causing the wheel to lock up when pushed forward when we settle in. Rolling backwards is no problem.
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
We have just purchased a home in York, Pa, and will be relocating there some time in April. Our '55 will enjoy having a permanent home as well as an expansive garage space. Hoping to have more to update once we get settled.
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
Great to have you back on the message board! In and around York, PA, is a hotbed of old car activity. You won't be far from the Baltimore based Maryland chapter of the NDC. It's a very active group. Not to mention Hershey and Carlisle, etc., etc.
Best of luck on your move!
Hi Mark!
It's good to be back. We just renewed our membership, and I've been in touch with someone from the MD chapter. It will be great to participate with an active group.
We close on our house on March 29th (Good Friday, indeed!), and will move our things down shortly thereafter.
Looking forward to spring/summer!
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
I just went up to Big M in Williams earlier this week on the 4th and the car looks a lot better than what the photo shows. Must be an old photo that John Fowlie used.
Yes, it is an older pic. John Fowlie used powdered laundry detergent, an old towel, and gave her a good scrub down. The car appears to be in good condition, and the asking price is a good deal for the car. John's a great guy, and you couldn't purchase from a more honest man in the junkyard biz.
If only I could collect all of the color variations...
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
Yet another, this one on eBay and priced a wee bit too high considering condition. But neat to see another one still out there carrying the torch!