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Thought I might inquire with our resident 1955 experts in trying to decipher a fellow NDC member's data plate. For a while, it has puzzled me what the letters under the MODEL column indicate as I have seen it vary between TP (as mine has) and (P, such as Mac's). Just today I received a photograph of a data plate which reads XX with a T beneath the 1st X. I can only assume it would be a special order vehicle? I wonder as to why, or what was specially ordered on this car? I suppose we wouldn't know for sure until the owner contacted Chrysler Historical concerning the build sheet, but I thought perhaps someone might know through experience on their own or have some information regarding this code. Thanks in advance to any help!
Also, as many of you know, i have been accumulating information on the '55 Coronado to start a database. I now have 19 vehicles on my list (missing information for several), but thought this was pretty exciting considering only a year ago I knew of just a handful amongst our club.
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
You've got me stumped! I was hoping Mac or someone else might have an idea. Those codes don't appear on any of the '55 code number information I have.
Mark, Do you have information on what the TP or P coding indicates?
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
Unfortunately, no.
Here is a picture of the plate in question. It is owned by one of our members, Bob Thomas. I wanted to make sure I had his permission before sharing his picture with you.
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
The data plate shown appears to be from a 55 Coronado with the 430 paint code. The data plate on my Coronado has a "T" stamped in the model space (not "P" as listed above). These code numbers were stamped on the same plane across the plate. I wonder if an incorrect code was stamped on the plate and then XX out with the correct code being stamped out of line underneath.
Sorry for the mixup, Mac. I was going by memory which, as you can see, obviously isn't very good anymore!
You bring up an interesting point. I haven't physically seen this data plate, but I will ask Bob if he might notice that something was stamped out. I did not see anything otherwise out of the ordinary for this Coronado.
Additionally, he did find another plate in his glove box, which he also sent me a picture of. It belonged to a parts car of the previous owner, and many pieces of this car was included in the sale of the Coronado which Bob now owns. The parts car was also a Coronado, but a 432 scheme (Black body, Coronado Green sweep, Surf White roof). Unsure if the vehicle still exists. I am awaiting a reply on this.
I will follow up as I learn more. Bob's parts car data plate will make Coronado #20 on my list. Not shabby.
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
You are to be applauded for your effort chronicling all known '55 Coronados. Trying to determine the meaning of the mysterious model codes, I found the attached (hopefully!) document which is a scan of a copy of a letter sent to all DeSoto dealers announcing the '55 Coronado. You will likely find this information interesting and hopefully helpful to you as you decipher body plates and build records.
I actually have a copy of that same letter you posted. I went ahead and downloaded this to my computer, though. It's always nice to have a file to pull up when my Desoto binder isn't near.
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
Jessica...here's another one to add to your list if not already there:
Good luck!
Thanks for the link, Mark.
You know, it's a very funny coincidence that you should post that this particular car was for sale. I just purchased a copy of that 1992 Car & Parts magazine article from Ebay.
I'll be sure to get in touch with Roger to see if I may add it to my database.
Thanks again!
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
Jessica...here's another '55 Coronado for sale:
Happy hunting!
Hi Jessica:
I have just joined the club after purchasing a beautiful '55 Coronado from Roger Lewis in Sacramento. Vehicle No. 50351467. I live in NC and took delivery of the car just a few days ago. Do you already have this Coronado in your data base?