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Good morning all. I am in need of some help locating a correct set of rear door vent window weather stripping for my 1953 sedan. I purchased a weather stripping set a while ago and can't remember where from. The rear vent window rubbers are not correct, the slot/hole on the rubber for the window latch is in the wrong spot. The window latch is on the bottom of the vent window and of the three parts of the rubber (bottom, middle, and top) the slot/hole for the latch should be on the bottom, the pieces I received have the slot/holes on the middle part of the rubber. Any help locating a set of these would be greatly appreciated.
@keithallen I am not as familiar with the 1953 cars, but Steele Rubber is usually my first go-to for any rubber products as they seem to be consistently one of the highest quality vendors. If they don't have it, two other sources that come to mind are Andy Bernbaum and Quirey Quality Design (they took over for Gary Goers). Steele and Bernbaum have products listed on their websites. For Quirey, you'll have to look at an old Goers catalog and then call and order the item number(s) you need. You can find an old Goers catalog here: https://chryslerclub.org/PDF%20files/GOERS.pdf
Thanks for the response. I'll check them out.