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https://lancaster.craigslist.org/pts/d/ ... 39064.html
I have over $4,000 worth of parts off a 1956 Desoto Fireflight 2 door coupe stored in my barn. I sold my Desoto 6 years ago and now its time to get rid of the parts supply. Here's a partial list ( cause I can't remember everything) but the sale is for the kit and koboodle regatdless if its listed or not. If its in that barn, and its from the Desoto....its included in the sale.
2 complete doors with window assembly attached
back and front windshields
front hood and back trunk lids
all exterior trim
all interior ( except front seat....employee stole out of warehouse...like who would randomly want a front seat from an old Desoto ??)
front and back bumpers
tail light assembly
front grill and hood ornament.....and much more
I am moving from this barn soon and they items will not go to new facility. They will be put in dumpster if no one buys them as a lot. Will not sell items separately. $700 for the whole lot