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Most of all, have fun!
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Thanks Tim, I plan on having fun and am sure I will - it will be my own fault if I don't.
Re: AACA Regional Show in Independence, MO June 6, 2015
I officially registered my DeSoto today and received my packets/number, etc. and am ready to head to the show tomorrow morning.
I also got on line and found some documentation regarding wire wheels for Chrysler cars showing details and pictures of various MoPars with wire wheels including some DeSotos. I printed it and will have it with me along with the owner's manual, '59 full line DeSoto feature brochure, and the repair manuals which might be of some value if there are questions. AND - I WILL NOT FORGET THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER! I will not forget the fire extinguisher. I will not forget.............
It's been raining almost every day and tomorrow is expected to be no exception at least in the morning. So be it, I'm going anyway and will report my experience(s) on the forum.
Best DeSoto regards,
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
Do you want someone to call in the morning and remind you to take the fire extinguisher?
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Thanks Tim, but I think I can remember now since I already have it in the car - even put a spare one in just in case someone else needs one. The club was very emphatic that we have these so I was making an issue out of it just for fun. No other car show I have ever participated in required a fire extinguisher. Not a bad idea though.
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
Good luck in KC! We hope to see you and your car someday at an NDC Convention. If you bring your car, don't forget the fire extinguisher! NDC requires them as well.
10-4 Mark,
I just got home from the AACA show and really enjoyed it in spite of the rain only in the morning though. By judging time at 11 AM, the rain had stopped and never returned.
I have no idea how well my DeSoto did but I do know there were others (no DeSotos though or even MoPars) in my class that were nicer than mine and, of course, they were trailer queens. I was dinged for the wire wheels, halogen headlights, and the chrome tail pipe extension. Those were the only items brought to my attention so I guess they are major deductions. The awards banquet is this evening and that will tell the story.
In general, there were only three DeSotos including mine of approximately 165 cars in total - one being a later forties green coupe from Iowa in a judged class and a 1955 Firedome red and white 4 door in the HPOF division. I'm not sure where that car is from but maybe I will find out this evening at the banquet.
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
Great news!
As posted yesterday, I took the DeSoto to the AACA show yesterday and got a first place to my surprise; but I'll take it. The trophy is really nice and all the winner's cars were pictured on the big screen when their names were called which made it easy to associate the car with the owner and their award(s).
I didn't see or hear from anyone that was familiar with any of the posters on this forum. Mel Carson, who is a director from Charlotte, NC is the closest I found to Kentucky and there was at least one participant from Wichita. Lots from Nebraska, Oklahoma, and a few from Arkansas and Illinois. In general, most were from Kansas and Missouri as would be expected. I think the participant from the furthest away is from New York.
The total experience was extremely satisfying. Everything was well organized and went without a hitch - very nice.
That's it in a nutshell and hope there is an AACA affiliate near Branson.
Best DeSoto regards,
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
You may be aware, but if you're interested, you can write off to the head judge in the AACA and request a copy of your judging sheet. They will highlight the areas where you were dinged for points, however they won't tell you your point total.
Having the judging sheet would help you to address the concerns the AACA had on that particular day with that group of judges. IIRC you
already had an idea of where points were deducted, so maybe that would be unnecessary.
Glad to hear you had a great experience!
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Thanks Tim - took your advise and sent for my score sheet. I was a bit reluctant mainly because I'm not going to change the wheels back to stock. The headlights would be an easy fix and I can remove the chrome tail pipe extension with no problem.
I'm more interested in finding what else might need some attention.
Best DeSoto regards,
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
Yesterday, June 13, my wife Pat and I joined our local AACA Region friend Neil White at the annual "Shop With a Cop" benefit car show held at Joe Huber's family farm and restaurant in Starlight, Indiana, just across the Ohio River from Louisville. We arrived early, parked next to Neil's '41 Dodge coupe and stayed until the awards were presented. This was an open car show and all sorts of rods, customs, muscle cars, rat rods, street rods and modern iron were among the over 400 cars that registered for the show. This is a well organized show and those bringing a car are treated well and nearly 180 trophies are awarded.
As with a lot of open shows lately there were many new or nearly new Camaros, Mustangs, Challengers and Corvettes in attendance. There were several times when one of their car alarms were activated by someone fussing with the car, starting the horn to sound and the lights to flash. I said to Neil that if your car can do that it does not belong at a car show!
As the top 170 awards were announced, Neil was justly awarded for his very clean but not 100% original '41 Dodge. He gets a trophy at nearly every show he attends as he presents the car well and as I said it is very clean in, out and underneath. I sat in silence as one 201X Mustang, Camaro or Corvette after another won a trophy, but hey, I don't go to these shows to win hardware. It's the fun of getting there, talking to admiring attendees and helping a good cause. As the last of the top 170 awards was announced, my car number was not called. Next were the "special" awards for which I certainly would not be considered. First was the "Best Chevy" award, then the "Best Ford" and then the "Best MoPar" award. Imagine my shock - and the shock of the MoPar muscle car and street rod crowd - when my '55 DeSoto won "Best MoPar"! It made my day. The trophy is so large it will not fit on my very modest trophy shelf in the garage.
As they say, you can't win if you don't play. Take your DeSoto to a local show and give yourself a chance!
Hey Mark - way to go and congratulations! Your '55 is very deserving and I look forward to meeting you and seeing that beauty someday.
You are right, if you don't play, you won't win. I felt the same way when I entered my '59 Firesweep at the AACA National here in KC a week or so ago and figured I didn't have a chance at winning against the class trailer queens but wound up with first place. It definitely makes your day - the trophies are super and I got my AACA First Prize winner's shield in the mail yesterday.
Again, congratulations and best DeSoto regards,
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
Just got back from the Show-Me MoPars car show in Columbia, MO. Drove the DeSoto a total of 300 miles and it didn't miss a beat.
I was put into the antique class from 1914 to 1961 year model MoPars of any stock model and got another First Place with a judged point total of 96.1 out of 100 possible. And you know what the best part was? Of course you don't but you will now - the second place car was a beautiful 1958 Dodge Coronet D500 2 door HT that is a trailer queen! That's right an un-licensed trailer queen and my driven '59 DeSoto Firesweep 4 door sedan put the Dodge back on the trailer. Gosh that makes me feel good! There again, it's not what you think of your car, it's what others think about your car that really makes the difference.
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
I took my '48 Custom 4-dr sedan to a 4th of July car show today - I'm guessing that some of you did the same with your De Sotos. This show was the 50th annual Greene Co Antique & Classic Car Club 4th of July car show. There were just under 200 cars at this show - not bad for a club that has only about 10 members. I can honestly say that I had the best De Soto there! I can also say that I had the worst De Soto that was there. That's because I had the ONLY De Soto that was there!!. Since I help out at this show, I wasn't around my car much to talk to people about it; when others did figure out it was my car, they did have nice things to say about it and De Sotos.
We took our '52 to the Watervliet, MI 4th of July Car Show yesterday. Actually, Sue and I, and a co-host, put the show on. It is our twelfth year for putting on the show. A few years ago we made the show a fund raiser for the Veterans Administration Hospital in Battle Creek, MI and donate all of the proceeds from the show to them. Our sponsors and other donations cover the cost of the show so the registration money and proceeds from the 50-50 drawing are donated. We raised $850 this year for the vets.. We make the donation in the form of gift cards that the hospital gives to vets that they determine are in need of a little temporary help. Most of it goes to homeless vets.
There were two other Desoto's there of the 125 cars total that registered. Bud & Shirl Tyler brought their '32 and they also help put on the show. Bob and Jaye Justice brought their '56. None of the Desoto's won an award this year which was unusual because Tyler's '32 and Justice's '56 usually do very well at local car shows.
Using our Desoto's and old car hobby to raise some money for a good cause. It is a good feeling.