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I pulled the hood bumpers so I could find some to order. The master parts book shows part number 770-024. The parts, using a magnifying glass, have part number 841-453 on them. Several of them.
The car uses 20 of these items.
I hate it when the MPB and the part itself do not agree!
James, the hood bumpers are not all the same - at least not on my 53. I doubt if they are on the 49. So you are going to have different part numbers. The bumpers could be fun to find. You are talking about the rubber bumpers that cushion the engine hood when in the down position?
Code 15-09-4
part# 841-453 marked as "use as required",
part# 770-024 - 10 e.a. for S14 (4 - lower lock support, 6 - strainer to hood).
1951 -1953 are different than 1949-50.
The issue is the 1949 Master Parts book is very very sloppy. I have had this issue with many parts on the 1949.
This is unlike the MPB for my 1947. The 1946 to 1948 Master Parts book tracked number to number with parts on the '47 Suburban and I have never seen any deviation.
My point is, I hate it when they got into a rush. Remember that there was a strike in 1948-49 that caused MOPAR to delay the new design cars for six month into 1949.
Also, they made some changes for the 1950 Model and put out a new parts book in 1950. So the parts book for 1949 S-13 Desoto was a six month production affair and they did a bad job. Lots of not correct numbers and lots of missing information.
Attached is a photo of the original hood bumper, which used about 25 of them, and the Restoration Specialties replacement which is too big.
Anyone have a part number from Steel, Auveco, or other that they know is a close match to the original?
All of mine have part number 841-453 on them. The master parts book of course shows 770-024. I did find 841-453 listed in the 1953 parts book for 4 cents each so it was a good part number.
I did not find exactly what you are looking for but I bet with a bit of measuring you can find a suitable replacement.
There are three different bumpers used on the '50 and as it always is the Desoto is not pictured. Heck non of the bumper are shown in any image I have seen.
Edit: I see all the bumpers and where they go. The bumpers for the hood are the number you have mentioned the other two are for the strainer or lock support. The strainer(s) are the bars that go under the hood to provide support.