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Dear all,
Let me quickly introduce myself. I'm Elvis and I live in Switzerland. I'm a big car nut and together with my girlfriend we've got some cars. My oldest is a 1966 Mustang Coupe, with straight six and for on the floor. My gal's oldest is a 1951 Chevrolet Sedan, but it's currently under restoration.
I'm Ford man, also got a 1967 Galaxie Fastback with a great 390 and various german Fords. But I also was fascinated by the looks of the pre WWII Business Coupes. De Soto was always my favorite but very hard to get your hands on one over here in Europe. I almost bought a solid rusty 1940, but that was more a project (have en enough of) but finally after over 2 years I've got a 1939.
Currently the car is on the ship somewhere in the Atlantic and should be here in about two weeks. The car also has a "National De Soto Club" decal so maybe you guys know the car? It belonged to "Gerald Blanchfield" who passed away in April, the same day as I have birthday, quite weird. Over this wife/daughter it got to a dealer and I bought it from him.
I'm very excited and I hope the car will be solid without major work. I also have to get myself more know-how about pre WWII mopars. But enough talked now, here we go with some pictures:
Looking gut meiner Herr!
Guten Tag
ps: no umlauts on my keyboard
Welcome to the board and good luck with the new DeSoto. I didn't really know Mr. Blanchfield, but he lived very close (1 1/2 hours drive) to me. We met once, or maybe twice, I believe. I don't remember that car, but it sure looks pretty. Keep us all in the loop as you get it and have some fun with it!
Hola Sir
I too like your car.
There are several other National De Soto Club Members also in Sweden. A
local to you "Tech Help" can be PG Larsson ( even though he leans towards
the 50's ).
The National De Soto Club has a Tech Advisor for every year and they too
can provide assistant.
Rodger & Gabby
Colo Spgs
Hi Edward,
Oh, that's exciting. I would like to find out as much as possible of Mr.Blanchfield. From my records he owned the car since 1982.
Hi Rodger,
Thanks for that, but Sweden is about 1000 miles more to the north of Switzerland
Hi chaps,
We picked up the car yesterday from swiss customs. Car was not running, battery drained and does not load, so good thing we showed up with the trailer.
By now engine is running
Engine has an S6 Code and Spitfire head.
The new home
Great looking car Elvis. It sounds like the problems with it are minor but the gas tank might be a bit of a problem. I am sure you will be turning more than a few heads over there with it. Congratulations on a great find.
NICE car! Thanks for the pictures and sharing!
Hi Elvis
Nice to have another member here in Switzerland!
Here are some pictures of my 1931 SA Roadster:
During the last two months, i had some repairs to do. New clutch, all new brakes incl. master and wheel cylinders, new gas pump and starter motor.
Now, the car is running great again - but the weather has changed...
That is a really nice '31!!!! Isn't always the way with weather?
Hi Guys,
Finally got a reply back from Chrysler Historical Services.
Looks like the car was delivered to Akron OH, only 125 miles away from the former owner. Can't read the dealer name, something like "Conart". Managed to find this, kind of cool
https://books.google.ch/books?id=pEUEAA ... to&f=false
The car was originally black (paint code 107), but can't find out what the trim code 592 means?
Additionally it had Accesory Group A and Cigar Lighter as option.
The dealer you reference is Conart's Five Points. You will find them listed as a dealer in Akron, Ohio, US, in the "Dealers" link to the left of this site. Conart's was still in business in the '80's as a Chrysler Plymouth dealer in Akron Ohio when I visited them and with permission borrowed and copied some aged DeSoto related photos from their files. Nice folks to allow me to do that. I no longer live in that ares so do not know if they are still in business, but someone from NE Ohio will likely comment.
Good to hear Chrysler is still delivering that type of historical info.
Dear all,
I think the former owner was member of the NDC, cause of the window sticker. Would it be possible to find something out from the club archives? The license plate was "PA GC 72" and the VIN "5667799".
I couldn't find anything about the cars history yet.
Hola Elvis and All
Yes I know the difference and distance of the two countries as I know Colo Spgs and where the next "Licensed" De Soto as is mine.
Your De Soto S6 Engine has a 3 3/8 Inch Bore and a 4 1/4 Inch Stroke. So does a
1940 De Soto Engine.
The same year(s) of Chrysler Six used a bore of the same with a 4 1/2 Inch Stroke.
This made their six have a 241 Cubic Inch Size.
Both The Chrysler Six and The De Soto Six use the same Head Gasket. This makes
it possible to use The Chrysler Worded Head on any De Soto Six up to the last
De Soto Six in 1955.
There is no Performance Advantage for a like year De Soto Head could do the same.
The Cast Numbers on The Head can tell you what years of your head.
http://www.lov2xlr8.no/brochures/desoto ... 9deso.html
http://www.lov2xlr8.no/brochures/mopar/ ... ysler.html
http://www.lov2xlr8.no/brochures/chrysl ... 40chr.html
Rodger and Gabby
Colo Spgs
The DeS Window Sticker may be - because of a former member or of a De Soto
"supporter". With the name of your former owner --- contact The Club's
Membership Secretary & Librarian to ask if they was a member.
It appears that your car was owned by Mr. Blanchfield. He owned other Desotos also.
Mark Waite