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I am looking for a replacement horn ring for my standard shift '55 Desoto. Standard shift models have an entirely different steering wheel, steering column and horn ring. If anyone has any leads, I'd really appreciate hearing from you at pmaniatty@yahoo.com
Hello Phil! Great to hear from you again. I was worried since we had not heard from you in a while that you had given up on restoring the DeSoto. Glad to hear that is not the case.
As you are already aware, standard shift '55 DeSotos are not very common. So much so that neither the '55 or '55-'56 MoPar parts books in my possession accurately describe the use of the leftover horn ring on standard shift '55's. In a later edition of the '55 - '58 parts book we find this description:
"S21, S22, S23 w/Std. Trans" = p/n 1326748. If you refer to the '46 - '54 parts book you find that this p/n was used in '51 - '54 DeSoto six cylinder models with two-spoke steering wheel and '52 eight cylinder models with two-spoke steering wheel.
So you can broaden your search on the internet or with parts cars to include '51 - '55 DeSotos. Knowing the MoPar p/n will also allow you to search the many NOS MoPar vendors for a still new horn ring. Considering that the early '50's six cylinder DeSotos are not as popular with collectors as the '55 - '56 models, you might stand a good chance of finding a still NOS horn ring for your car.
Good luck, and glad to hear from you again!
Hi Phil,
If you need the ring ornament, I believe the part number is 1552974 which is also listed for the 1954 Desoto six. If you run the part numbers 1326748 for the ring and 1552974 for the ornament on partsvoice.com , using Chrysler as the manufacturer, these parts show available at several vendors. Good luck with your search.
Thank for your help Mark and Mac. I am away from Miami for an extended period and did not have access to my reference books. Your information will be a great help.