Unregistered users may browse the website, but in order to participate in the forums and view select pages (such as "Club Contacts" and "Classified Ads") a user account is required. Click HERE to email the webmaster and request a free account. The National DeSoto Club uses real names rather than pseudonyms. Notify the webmaster of your user name preference (Johnathon Doe vs. John Doe, etc.), preferred email address, and password request.
Ron has certainly been making some headway on resolving the website and forum issues we experienced this past weekend.
I've had some emails from several of you, and appreciate your patience as we work on getting things straighten away. I'd like to ask that you log in to the site and post a quick note (if you can) to this post simply to announce your success at logging in and being able to post to the forum.
1. Please start out at the homepage desoto.org, and initially log in using the fields at the bottom of the main menu.
2. After logging in there, please click the message board tab of the main menu. From my experience, you should then be also logged in to the bb3 forums, which you can confirm at the top of the page above the forum headings and the yellow window announcing the forum rules.
3. If you see that you're logged in there, please open this topic and attempt to post an update.
4. If you're successful, yay! If not, please drop a short note to webmaster@desoto.org and just indicate that this didn't work.
You may see an occassional window announcing some warnings..... they have appeared briefly for me, and then gone away. But so far as of this morning, I have successfully been able to post after logging in as described above.
Thanks again for you patience,
John, aka Tim
Well, maybe it doesn't really matter WHEN you log in, as long as you log in under the main menu, and not above the forums....
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
I seem to be in.
I did get some sort of warning in a pink colored box, but went away.
I'm in. Now what?
Thanks for updating the convention registration
cheers, tom kenney
convention chairman
Finally was able to log in tonight
I'm in.
John Boyd
San Diego, California
Member National Desoto Club and Airflow Club of America
1936 S2 Airflow sedan (1)
1937 Chrysler Airflow sedan (2)