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I need to get the speedometer out of the dash and see why it hangs up ( and broke the cable). I have all the knobs off and those units out of the panel and the ign switch loose and all the screws out and both wire loom clamps bent away but it is hanging up on the right side. The oil press. line is disconnected. Do I have to remove the two gauge units and the speedo. from the back? that will be a nightmare. I'd like to get the whole thing out and repaint it. dave
Dave, have you checked with Mark Kubancik? He is the technical advisor for the '55 DeSotos.
Just click on the "Resources" heading seen in the list to the left of this screen. I think that you might have to be logged in to see the entire list, or to access all of the info?
After clicking on "Resources", if you scroll down a bit, you'll see the list of "Technical Advisors", and Mark's contact info is listed beside his name.
Good luck!
Don't bother asking Mark Kubancik...he doesn't have any suggestions. I've never disassembled my dash to that level.
Mark K.
Mark! I've got an idea. Let's disassemble your dash this weekend!
No thanks, Rosy. The car has been out of service for several weeks awaiting expert assistance from KYANA member Neil White to rebuild the front brakes and replace a leaky rear wheel seal. Time to get the car back on the road!
You don't mention having removed the speedometer cable housing from the back of the speedometer........
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
yea, Tim, that's the first thing I did but the cable wouldn't turn when I put it in and I found it binds and jams so must take it out. I'm going to pull the dash lite sockets and see if it gives me another inch or so. So frustrating to almost get it easy. Now I know why all of these units I see on ebay and etc. have had the looms and wires cut. dave
You may want to contact Barrett Taft, the NDC's Librarian. His POC info can be found on the "Resources" tab to the left. He may have a copy of a 1955 shop manual, and could make a copy of the pages with the instructions on how to remove the speedometer. There may be a small cost for making the copy - you'll need to discuss that with Barrett.
well, I got the spedo out and the dash panel off but had to remove spedo and both instr. pods screws from the back then pop all the light sockets out. the spedo was bone dry so I took it out of the case, oiled it, chucked up the broken end of the cable in the drill and spun it till it ran like it should. I'll paint the panel and hope I can get it all back together without scratching it. Another 1 day job that will take 10 or more.