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I have 6 NOS Preferred Distributor caps still in the original boxes. They have the Delco part number stamped on the end of the box the part number is 824735. According to my catalogs they fit the following.
1933 De Soto after engine number 5189 and ae used on the Distributor 644J
1934 Desoto fits on the Distributor 644W
These caps also fits several other major cars
Chrysler 1933-34
Dodge 1933-35
Chev 1933-42
Verify that they will fit your specific distributor. You do not see many of these original caps I was able to purchase 6 of these NOS caps.
I am asking $45 each and $10 shipping.
I have verified the information for each fitment via one on my cross reference catalog.
I can send pictures of the caps if requested.
When these are gone then i will not have any more. So take the time to get a spare for your car while the supply lasts. These early caps are so hard to find. Do not even see these at Hershey.
Contact rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com Cell 484-431-8157 Home 610-630-9188.