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Last seen: March 5, 2025 4:56 pm
With not knowing the year of your Desoto. I very much dobt that you will walk into an automotive store and find a color of white to match the current ...
Is it the starter or the starter selinoid that needs to be rebuilt. rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
Since some members only received their May-June magazine around August 1 I suspect many members did not get the ballot until after the Due date of Ju...
Dan: Rich Hartung, I have not received my copy of the most current magazine for May/June.
I think the best answer to your question is: At first chance the answer would be who ever has one for sale especially if it is NOS. try any of the ve...
Tim the information was sent in time to be posted in the last edition of the Adventurer issue, but someone, and I do not know if it was any board memb...
I have several old suspension catalogs that I have scanned that cover the early years. I have a catalog from Thompson Products and McQuay-Norris that ...
I looked in my 1942 Desoto parts book and could not find that number listed. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
The same information as been submitted to the editor to have it in the next two Adventurers magazine. Rich Hartung
I remember being with Galen at one the Hershey fall eastern Meets and he had his white Desoto on the show field. this is the one with the swivel seats...
First off what is the model number on your starter. We need to know the numbers such as IAT1234. The starter selinoid would also have a number stampe...
Spoke to Les this morning and he was getting ready to head over to the Orange field to our vendor location Orange field Row OAD site 7 & 8.t site....
I have reached out to Les Pesavento because he is also coming in for Hershey and will be brining the club banner. I also asked him about a scheduled c...
Well we only have 16 days to go and then Hershey starts on Wednesday Oct 4th. As of tonight 9/18/17 we have not had anyone from the club or any of t...