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Tim, From the dealer order code information for the 1956 DeSotos, there were codes that were used to determine the configuration of the stainless tri...
Greg, The serial number on your 55 Firedome would be considered your VIN. Your serial number should be located on a tag fastened on the left front do...
Ron From my experience, you would do well to purchase a used Powerflite script, even though it may be pitted and if all mounting studs are on it rath...
Hi Keith, Good luck with your auction on ebay. You have a great looking Coronado and your presentation is so much better than most. As I was restorin...
Kenny, I ran across this stray picture which I had labeled as the interior of a 55 Fireflite. I have no idea if this is the original or not. I notice...
Kenny, Your paint code indicates your car has the Lexington Green lower color with the Cove Green top. The trim code 460 indicates it has a green clo...
Hi Gerit, You have a nice and rare DeSoto for a project. What are your plans for modernizing your brakes? To post your pictures, click the browse b...
Ted, The paint code 371 for a 56 Fireflite indicates that the lower body was Sunny Yellow and the top and color sweep was Jet Black. If the car did n...
The dipstick was the same for all 55 and 56 DeSotos as well as the 57 Firedomes, Fireflites and Adventurers. Maybe this will widen your search for one...
Tim My parts book is of little help with your request. Andy Bernbaum lists this piece for the 50 DeSotos and Chryslers with and without chrome moldin...
The lettering on the 55 Fireflites should be red to be as original. If decals are desired, Jim Osborn Reproductions has these in red for the Fireflite...
Mark, Thanks for the shoutout and to all who were kind enough to send cards. These are greatly appreciated. I am still kicking, just not as high. I ...
Robert, Nice Desoto. For what it's worth, the NADA price guide for a 61 DeSoto is listed here:
Steve The standard engine on a 60 Fireflite was the 361 with a 2 bbl. The standard engine for the Adventurer was a 383 with a 2 bbl. An option on bot...