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I sent an email to the author seeking contact information with the guy who had the Desoto. I am interested in doing the exact same thing to my '52 S1...
Hello again, I had the carb rebuilt and I installed it...It required some fancy footwork to race from the seat to the open hood to adjust the idle mix...
here is a view looking at the bottom of the carburetor which I thought overall it was pretty clean once I remove the hard rubber gasket
so I have finally remove the carburetor and I did not clean it up at all before I took these photos and by looking at the underside I can tell that it...
OK, thank you Tim!!! I will send it off nd also check my pressure when it returns. I do not think it is a pressure issue but never hurts to check!!!
I finally replied via email. Thank you!!!!!
Geoff, Thank you for the reply. I am happy to look at any and all info you might have. It was truly a sad day when I gave up on chasing parts and s...
Hello! I am located in Kansas but I wanted to tell you I have an engine, trans, A arms, rear axle for a 1952 Firedome 276 c.i. if you ever need it. ...
I had to play around with inner wheel weights and make 3 trips to the shop but in the end I had success. Good luck to you but I really think you need ...
and when you get that radio, do yourself a favor and have Tim Bowers friend in Kansas hook up an iPod docking cable......So worth it!!!!
I place my Desoto value on original condition, not modified or painted. There is a huge market for modified and painted and all that jazz but to ME......