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Thanks Rick Ill do that
Still waiting, somewhat patiently, here in CT
If it was sent that early, Im sure it is completed. Dont tell me its waiting for the Sept Oct issue....at this rate 2012 will be over
That show was always good for a laugh....even now its amazingly funny. I remember one with the car parked and a space in front of it and when people t...
Very Funny Reminds me of Candid Camera
Since you didnt say which model ... according to Don Butler DeSoto Plymouth Story Firedome 1,645 Fireflite 3,350 Chris
MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!!!!! May all your DeSoto dreams come true -Chris
Fantastic cleaning job!! I AM Impressed Keep up the good work. As for cleaning the wheel and plastic knobs I would go with soap and water. When I cle...
The "Jiffy Jet" windshield washer was available from 1946 and up. I had a factory set on my 51 Desoto and I also have one on my 1950 Imperia...
My 9150 Imperial has the vacuum booster and it was bypassed when I first got the car. I had it repaired by a place in Calif. called Power Brake Supply...
In my opinion Art Gould is the place to go. He will most likely aleardy have one set to go and you just send him yours as a core exchange. Thats what ...
If you have the original part number you can search partsvoice.com you can also try Andy Bernbaum or Roberts Motor parts. They are both in Mass. Vall...
I checked yesterday and there was one window crank and one door handle up for sale on Ebay. Look under 39 DeSoto and they should show up Chris