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They may not be original but they are very tastefully done and do not detract from the beauty of the car. Well done! Chris
Me Three!!! Love the calendar Chris
Fantastic work and like Les said the reward is being able to drive it and enjoy it. Happy DeSotoing:) Chris
Bob You might want to add Kuhns Motor Co in Moorestown, NJ. That is where my 39 DeSoto was purchased. Pictured on page 7 of the latest issue of the Ad...
Arrived in Conn today and it looks just great! The 39 is an amazing year and having owned a 36 and a 51 I have to say I like the 39. With the overdriv...
Cant wait to see it, nothing yet in Conn
GREAT!!! Cant wait to see it!
Back when TV was entertaining and you could laugh because you never knew what was going to be said. Thanks!
I agree Les, it just does not seem right to rod a DeSoto:)
NICE Bulls Eye headlights Mark:) -Chris
The condenser is replaceable and I would definately replace it, even that is no guarantee that it will be good. I replaced the points condenser and ro...
Mac, Thanks for that info....seems odd that they selected 1939 to be different, but like the car there are so many things for the 1939 that were that...
Hey Geoff I sent you an article with photos of my 39. Can you please let me know if they arrived OK and if you want any other pictures? I am a novice ...