39th Annual Convention
June 25-29, 2025 ~ Akron, Ohio
Hosted by Craig & Chris Lane and the Buckeye Chapter of the NDC
Make your plans today to attend the largest annual gathering of DeSotos in the world! Our annual conventions are part car show, part sightseeing vacation, and part reunion with friends. Whether you want to come for just the show or for the whole event, all the details you'll need are below. Load the family up in the DeSoto and head to Akron!
Hotel: The convention host hotel is the DoubleTree by Hilton, located at 3180 W. Market St., Akron, OH 44333. The hotel is holding rooms for us at a special reduced rate of $169/night plus tax and fees, available in a single king or double queen configuration. This rate is also good for up to three nights before and after the convention. You can book your room by calling the hotel directly at (330) 867-5000 (mention the NDC to get the group rate) or use the reservation link here and enter the group code "NDC" after clicking on the "Special Rates" button. Book your room early. The reservation cut-off date is June 10th, 2025, with a cancellation policy of up to 24 hours prior to the reservation, or 12AM of the day preceding your reservation. If you have any issues reserving a room, please contact Craig and Chris Lane - see page 2 of the magazine or the registration form contact information.
Events: There will be a welcome cookout, tours to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad, Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens, and the Crawford Auto Aviation Museum, an ice cream social, swap meet, and, of course, the annual car show and awards banquet. For event details and convention shirt designs, reference the convention preview article here .
Costs/Sign-Up: For all costs and to sign up (you must be a dues-paying member of the club - if you wish to join, you can easily do so by clicking on the "Membership" tab at the top of the page), reference the registration form here .
DeSoto Car Show: The car show will be held on Saturday, June 28, 2025, 9am - 3pm at Hardesty Park, 1615 W Market St, Akron, OH 44313. Rain or wet ground location at Summit Mall parking lot directly across from host hotel.
Note: Anyone looking to register and/or show a DeSoto MUST be a dues-paying member of the club due to insurance requirements. Sign-up for the car show will be available on-site. Spectating at the show is free and open to all.
NDC Chapter Events
Check below to see all the upcoming DeSoto related activities each chapter is hosting or participating in!
DeSoto Owners Club of Maryland
Serving Maryland and the surrounding area. Chapter Contact: Mike Bianco, President: mabianco54@yahoo.com
General Inquiries: DeSotoClubMD@gmail.com
3/13/2025 - Workshop Day and Ladies Luncheon
Workshop day at Murray’s garage, Millersville, MD, 9:30 am, and ladies' luncheon. Contact Mike Bianco if you have a vehicle you want to work on and Cheryl if you'd like to attend the ladies' luncheon.
4/19/2025 - Workshop Day and Ladies Luncheon
Workshop day at Murray’s garage, Millersville, MD, 10 am, and ladies' luncheon. Contact Mike Bianco if you have a vehicle you want to work on and Cheryl if you'd like to attend the ladies' luncheon.
4/26/2025 - 8th Annual DOCM & POC Spring Fling Car Show & Luncheon
9 am - 3 pm at Casa Mia’s, Parkton, MD. Morning coffee & donuts followed by lunch at noon. Full details to follow. Rain or shine. Coordinator: Activity Chair Cheryl Bianco.
5/15/2025 - Workshop Day
Workshop day at Murray’s garage, Millersville, MD, 10 am. Contact Mike Bianco if you have a vehicle you want to work on.
6/14/2025 - Club Meeting, Workshop Day, and Ladies Luncheon
Club meeting, workshop day at Murray’s garage, Millersville, MD, 9:30 am, and ladies' luncheon. Contact Mike Bianco if you have a vehicle you want to work on and Cheryl if you'd like to attend the ladies' luncheon.
7/11/2025 - 7/13/2025 - Chryslers at Carlisle
Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The National Club and DeSoto Owner's Club of Maryland chapter will both be representing on the show field and in the special Chrysler 100 expo building with cars and booths. Stop by, say hi, and talk DeSotos! Be sure to select “DeSoto” for the class and “National DeSoto Club” for the club affiliation when registering. For more details on the Carlisle event, go to https://www.carlisleevents.com/events/events-detail/index?id=chrysler+nationals
7/19/2025 OR 8/2/2025 - Club Members' Lunch Outing
Save the date! Plans are in the works for a lunch outing with our fellow members. No workshops in July. Details to follow.
8/21/2025 - Club Meeting, Workshop Day, and Ladies Luncheon
Club meeting, workshop day at Murray’s garage, Millersville, MD, 9:30 am, and ladies' luncheon. Contact Mike Bianco if you have a vehicle you want to work on and Cheryl if you'd like to attend the ladies' luncheon.
9/6/2025 - Annual Club Members' Picnic
Annual club members’ picnic at the Gallagher’s home in Bethesda, MD, 11 am. Hosted by Jack & Cher Gallagher. For more details, please contact Jack Gallagher at g6001@aol.com.
9/27/2025 - Workshop Day
Workshop day at Murray’s garage, Millersville, MD, 10 am. Contact Mike Bianco if you have a vehicle you want to work on.
10/16/2025 - Workshop Day and Ladies Luncheon
Workshop day at Murray’s garage, Millersville, MD, 10 am, and ladies' luncheon. Contact Mike Bianco if you have a vehicle you want to work on and Cheryl if you'd like to attend the ladies' luncheon.
11/13/2025 - Workshop Day
Workshop day at Murray’s garage, Millersville, MD, 10 am. Contact Mike Bianco if you have a vehicle you want to work on.
Date TBD - Annual Holiday Luncheon
Annual holiday luncheon. Details TBD.
The Buckeye DeSoto Club
Serving Ohio. Chapter Contact: President: Bill Noble - nobledesoto@ameritech.net
4/19/2025 - Convention Planning Meeting
Convention planning meeting, DoubleTree by Hilton, 3180 W. Market St., Akron, OH.
6/25/2025 - 6/29/2025 - NDC Convention
The Buckeye Chapter is helping to host the National DeSoto Club annual convention in Akron, Ohio. For more details, see the top of this page.
7/26/2025 - AACA Grand Nationals
AACA Grand Nationals, National Museum of the USAF, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH (east of Dayton). The museum is free admission.
8/16/2025 - 25th Historic 3D Picnic
Historic 3D Picnic at Plzak Lake, 12:00 pm, 1600 Bell Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022. Register at jnosol@windstream.net
11/8/2025 - Fall Meeting
Annual Fall Meeting, 11:00 am, at the Der Dutchman Restaurant, 445 Jefferson Ave., Plain City, OH 43064
Colonial Chapter
Serving Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Chapter Contact: Lanette Peiffer, President - lanettepeiffer@comcast.net
5/26/2025 - Quakertown Memorial Day Parade
Quakertown Memorial Day Parade, Quakertown, PA.
8/3/2025 - Das Awkscht Fescht
Das Awkscht Fescht Annual Car Show, Macungie Memorial Park, Macungie, PA. Visit www.awkscht.com for more details.
Carolina Chapter
Serving North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Chapter Contact: Phil Rast, Organizer - cappyhouse@hotmail.com

4/3/2025 - 4/5/2025 - Charlotte AutoFair
Charlotte Motor Speedway, NC. The Carolina Chapter will have cars on display at the Charlotte AutoFair. Saturday is the best day to come for club attendance! For more information about the chapter, the event, or how to participate, contact Dean Mullinax at desotodean@gmail.com.
4/26/2025 - Annual Meals on Wheels Car Show & Fundraiser
Meals on Wheels Car Show & Cookout. Starting at 10:00 am, Hennie & Yvonne Jacobs will once again be hosting their annual Meals on Wheels car show and cookout fundraiser, Greenville, SC. If you’d like to attend, contact Hennie at (864) 360-3815 and RSVP.
TBD - Fall Meeting
Details TBD.
DeSoto Motor Cars of Illinois
Serving Illinois and the surrounding area. Chapter Contact: Betty Beabout, President - (217) 826-2819
4/19/2025 - Spring Meeting
11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Baby Bull's, 1025 W. Reynold's St., Pontiac, IL 61764. Off HWY 55 at HWY 116 exit #187 in Pontiac, IL. Will be on left about 1 mile. Meeting will be in the "bar" near the banquet rooms.
7/26/2025 - Summer Meeting
11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Baby Bull's, 1025 W. Reynold's St., Pontiac, IL 61764. Off HWY 55 at HWY 116 exit #187 in Pontiac, IL. Will be on left about 1 mile. Meeting will be in the "bar" near the banquet rooms.
10/18/2025 - Fall/Christmas Meeting
11:00 am - 2:00 pm, Baby Bull's, 1025 W. Reynold's St., Pontiac, IL 61764. Off HWY 55 at HWY 116 exit #187 in Pontiac, IL. Will be on left about 1 mile. Meeting will be in the "bar" near the banquet rooms. There will be a $10 gift exchange: a girl gift for a girl and a boy gift for a boy.
Great Lakes Chapter
Serving Michigan and the surrounding Great Lakes area. Chapter Contact: Glenn Colburn, President - gfcolburn@gmail.com
4/5/2025 - Spring Meeting
11:00 am, Ten Ten Buffet Grill & Sushi, 5282 Gull Rd, Kalamazoo, MI 49048. Restaurant phone number: (269) 553-9980.
8/23/2025 - Orphan Show
Orphan Show, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Gilmore Museum (open 9:00 am - 6:00 pm), 6865 W. Hickory Rd, Hickory Corners, MI 49060.
TBD - Fall Picnic
Details to come.
California Chapter
Serving California, Nevada, Arizona, and Hawaii. Chapter Contact: Steve Jensen, Chairman - sjensen1949@gmail.com
Please check back for 2025 events.
Puget Sound Chapter
Chapter Contact: Erna Snipes, Secretary - ernasnipes@yahoo.com
Please check back for 2025 events.
Other National Mopar Clubs
Airflow Club of America
National Convention: June 1-6, 2025, Springfield, Illinois. For more details, click here.
Chrysler 300 Club International, Inc.
Spring National Convention: April 30 - May 4, 2025, Lafayette, Louisiana. For more details, click here.
Chrysler 300 Club, Inc.
To visit their website, click here.
Dodge Brothers Club
International Convention: June 8-13, 2025, Berlin, Ohio. For more details, click here.
Plymouth Owners Club
National Convention: 2025 convention TBD. For more details, click here.
WPC Club
National Convention: July 9-13, 2025, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. For more details, click here.