Unregistered users may browse the website, but in order to participate in the forums and view select pages (such as "Club Contacts" and "Classified Ads") a user account is required. Click HERE to email the webmaster and request a free account. The National DeSoto Club uses real names rather than pseudonyms. Notify the webmaster of your user name preference (Johnathon Doe vs. John Doe, etc.), preferred email address, and password request.
Just a quick reminder that the Great AACA Hershey swap meet starts officially on Tuesday October 4-7. The show runs from Tuesday to Friday with the car show on Friday. This is no Saturday selling this year.
Also if you plan to attend stop over at Row OAD site 7&8. Rich Hartung will be representing the NDC and be sure to look for the new National DeSoto Banner. Also we are approx. a 3-5 minute walk from our site over to the New AACA Library and Headquarters building
we are located in the Orange Field which is next the Giant Convention Center
Please stop by and then signin on the member signin sheet so that we can indicate which NDC members attended.
Rich Hartung
Cell 484-431-8157