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I can’t seem to find a gas pedal for my ‘31 Coupe. I’ve ordered two that say that they fit but they’re not even close. The pedal in my car mounts on two studs just below the starter and runs horizontally to the accelerator stud in the floor. The pedal is only 5” long. The pedals that I got from online orders are 9” long and simply will not fit. It looks like there must have been two different pedal designs. One is shorter and mounts horizontally like mine. The other is longer and I suspect it mounts vertically to two studs in the floor. So not sure if I should continue to search for the short one which is a direct replacement for the existing pedal or add two studs to the floor to use the longer pedal.
Any suggestions?
I am by no means an expert on this era, but you might try reaching out some of the tech advisors for similar years listed here: https://desoto.org/contacts/
If you are a dues-paying member of the NDC, you can also reference the roster and see if anyone is listed with parts cars that might have what you need or else run a "parts wanted" ad in the club magazine.
@davidfrank Unfortunately there is nobody listed for 1931. I tried emailing the contact for 1930 but I did not get an answer.
Rich Hartung is very knowledgeable on older DeSotos and might be able to help you on the 31 issue.
His phone number is 610-630-9188 and hi email is desoto1939@aol.com.
@regisbodnar I did email Rich but he’s not really familiar with the ‘31 DeSotos. He’s more of a ‘39 specialist.