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Looking for a front sway bar for my S13 club coupe.
I am not sure if they go back that old, but you might try Rare Parts who deals in suspension parts. Also, Andy Bernbaum or Ed Spiegel are options.
Rare Parts: https://www.rareparts.com/
Andy Bernbaum: https://www.oldmoparts.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAkKqsBhC3ARIsAEEjuJiI_BpmXVdPCwQ8ip7lvKNz5gsmBB8ELVEqZjUyBHWTnKTFp1Hl6EkaAvuXEALw_wcB
Ed Speigel: parts4U@aol.com
@davidfrank Thanks for the leads I will follow up wioth them.