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Seriously guys, so happy to see this back up! I have some many questions! ????
Planning on replacing fuel pump and valve cover gaskets next month. Could sure use some pointers and moral support! Will be my first time wrenching on my blue 55.
Welcome back! Looking forward to the forums returning to their former level of activity.
There are aftermarket fuel pumps out there, but if you still have the original, they are easy to rebuild. This is a great place to get quality rebuild kits.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Thanks Tim - I was able to fix the fuel pump last week and have been driving her around this week. Great to be back out on the road with it. Hit up a local car show this evening, threw the car seats in the back and took the kids and wife!
New Question/Issues: Hoping you or anyone can assist. The brakes this evening on the 55 Firedome starting getting a lot of resistance when pressing. I had to push much harder than normal for a bit, then it relaxed and was able to stop! A bit scary being that before the brakes would depress no issue and stop the car. Any ideas? Also, on that first half of the depress, an audible noise like a hydraulic/ piston. I understand this model actually as power brakes. Are there any tricks on tuning them up? Should I keep driving it, or am I in a dangerous situation?
Thanks so much!
The '55 power assist unit is a one year only system. If you don't have a FSM (factory service manual), I would encourage you to get one.
Off the top of my head, if you had a lot of resistance to your pedal effort, or rather didn't have any assist, I would check your vacuum hoses, and the vacuum supply to the booster unit. The FSM should give you maintenance and troubleshooting methods. A nice clean original manual should be easy to pick up on ebay. There are also reprints out there, but the clarity of the images often suffer on the reprints.
Since you had what sounds like a one time issue, perhaps a valve in the booster/vacuum stuck. Has it occurred again since?
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Thank you Tim! I have not driven it since yesterday when this started happening. It was a bit scary, pushing the brakes and nothing happening until I gave enough pressure on the pedal to move it down further to the floor then stop. I will hunt down the service manual. Thanks so much!
Projects, projects.
This is why my signature line says "it's supposed to be fun". Sometimes we need that reminder.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Planning on replacing fuel pump and valve cover gaskets next month.
Jay - If you have the original Carter fuel pump, I would recommend rebuilding it with a kit from Then and Now Automotove. They sell a kit with gaskets made from modern materials. I did that for my 55 and pump works great.