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The other night I received a phone call from Less Pesavento, President of the NDC. Les had called to inform me that the current Board of Trustee's had voted and approved the motion that we try to get a vendor space at the 2017 Fall eastern AACA meet that is held at Hershey, Pa.
In order to request a space the requestor needs to be a member of the AACA. I, Rich Hartung, am a long time members of AACA. I have contacted their headquarter to get the specific information on how and when we can request a vendor space for the NDC.
So listed below are the steps that need to be taken to get our application started.
1. The official notification and request card is sent out with the distribution of the May/June AACA magazine.
2. I need to complete the request card and send that back to AACA headquarters.
2a. If we are requesting to have two sites next to each other then we need to indicate that we want to adjacent spaces.
3. The size of a single space is 10x30 feet 10 wide by 30 deep.
4. This will provide for parking one vehicle and we are only provide with one site pass and window sticker. Not these window stickers can not be taken off the windshield. If you try to do this then the sticker is designed to rip apart in pieces.
5. The current and past vendor that had sites last year get first priority on their current sites and locations.
6. The Hershey region are the ones that allocate the spaces and locations.
7 Upon approval then we will receive a bill for each site. The current cost is $90 per site. aND WE SHOULD HAVE A CONFIRMATION AROUND jULY.
8. I Rich Hartung will proceed with the necessary paperwork to get the process started. remember that we are not guaranteed a vendor space. So we will have to wait to see if there are any spaces available.
9 Les and I also talked about that we might pay for the second site so that we will have the additional room to park our cars and setup the tables and some chairs.
10. In out prior posting some one them members had volunteered to help staff the information booth. I know that we can not ask Les and Rich to man the entire site for the 3 days.
11. We are only asking if there are any members that are planning to attend and if they could volunteer an hout or more time during either Thursday or Friday October 5th or 6th this would really help the club.
12. Hershey is a four day event which starts on Wednesday and ends on Saturday with the car show. Most vendors are not open on Saturday because most of the people are attending the car show and there is a very reduced amount of people looking for parts.
13. So if you would like to volunteer to help out please contact Rich Hartung and send your name and phone number and information to my email address:
Desoto1939@aol.com. Cell: 484-431-8157 Home 610-630-9188. If you have a specific day and time that would also be helpful.
At this point in time this is all the information that I can provide. I will keep the members up to date as we move along in the process of requesting a vendor space.
The vendor space will also give an official location to hold the meeting of members that will be attending Hershey and have a quick get together.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me and I will try to answer your questions.
Rich Hartung
Valley Forge, PA.
I have noticed that 19 members have looked at this posting regarding the NDC applying for a vendor spot at the 2017 Hershey swap meet.
I am concerned that there have not been any positive or any negative comments posted by any of the members.
Getting the paperwork and the organization to get the vendor spot just does not happen over night. There are a lot of things that need to be coordinated to make this a successful Adventure, pardon the pun.
I know there might be several reasons why members will not post anything or even reply.
The Board has taken the action to try to help get the NDC visible to any potential new member. This is a positive step. But we as the members need to also show that we are willing to help promote the club.
This is an opportunity to showcase the club. But we need your help and if you can help out at Hershey that would be great.
Please post any and all comments so we know how the membership feels that we are going in the right Forward Looking direction for the club.
I am open to all comments and please feel free to make comments.
Rich Hartung
From looking at the website membership (not all people that register for website user accounts are members of the club...) and seeing who logs on with regularity, you are likely going to have to go old school and get the membership roster out and pound the pavement to recruit help at Hershey. The percentage of club members that participate on the website is actually quite low.
I'd be hunting down members in the PA/NJ/MD/OH/New England area and looking there.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Glad someone is TRYING to do this (Thanks, Rich), but I'm not able to attend so cannot help.
May 12,2017.
Update on Application for a Vendor site.
The AACA request form for a vendor application spot was received in the mail today.
I have completed the request card and will be forwarding the application and a letter to the AACA for a vendor location.
Now is is a wait and see process to receive and process the application and then be assigned a specific spot on one of the parking lots. I have had a phone conversation with Les P tonight and he is glad that we are making progress on the application.
Rich Hartung
Thanks for taking the lead on this, Rich!
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
I hope things are going well with your effort for the Hershey Fall show.
Does PA still require each vendor to have a PA tax account? When I was helping out with the club's Hershey spot back in the 1990's, we had to have one and had to report to the PA each year how much we sold at Hershey so that we then paid the correct amount of PA sales tax to them. Just something else you may have to deal with. Good luck.
Bill: what are we going to be selling? If the club is going to sell items then I would assume the NDC would be acquiring the appropriate PA tax number.
I am just the point of contact to get the site since someone needs to be a members of the AACA to apply for a vender space. I would assume that since we are a non profit organization that there would be no tax implications for us taking membership fees and selling items to club members.
Point of discussion for the board members.
Rich Hartung