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i recently purchased this car and it is in incredible shape for its age, all original, I have plans to make a daily driver out of it and keep it mostly the way it sits now, here is a link to my flickr which contains pics
Gerit, it looks like you found an interesting yard. Can you tell us where it is? I would like to see better the car you took home. Please post a picture or two. Thank you.
The yard is located near oxford, maine, very cool place indeed
i did not bring the car home from there, they are just pix in my flickr acct, i visited the yard in early april and am sourcing some parts from there for my build, i purchased the vehicle from a gentleman in hooksett, NH which is close to me, he said he got from an older gentleman in NY state, car is incredibly complete and in great shape for its age and there were only 3000 built! i am going to try to attach some photos, if they dont appear my car is the most recent pictures in my flickr acct, the light blue 2 dr with a white top, i am in the process of dismantling front end to modernize brakes, etc
Welcome to the site.
So is your car a Custom or a FireDome? (Sportsman means that you have a hardtop, and all '52 De Soto hardtops had two-doors that year; De Soto didn't come out with a four-door hardtop until '56.) If it's a Custom Sportsman, you'll have a 6-cylinder engine, but if it's a FireDome Sportsman then you'll have the hemi V-8. 1952 was the first year for De Sotos to have a hemi engine. Just wondering.
Welcome, Gerit!
Great, original car that you have found! Love those grilles!
That yard does look yummy! Dusters and Roadrunners and such!
Post some more photos of your Desoto when you are able!
Hope you can make it to the NDC Convention this July...one month away!
My car is the firedome. Has the 276 hemi in it although it needs a rebuild I'm guessing. I will post more photos when I figure out how. I tried earlier with no luck
Hi Gerit,
You have a nice and rare DeSoto for a project.
What are your plans for modernizing your brakes?
To post your pictures, click the browse button, find and open the file, and click the preview or submit button. Don't use the add the file button.
I have a 74 camaro front clip I plan to install to modernize front brakes, steering, etc, also plan to install power brakes and then put a small block chevy in it temporarily so i can get it on the road:) I then plan to rebuild the HEMI and then put it back in the car
still couldnt figure out how to post pics so I put all my desoto pics in a set on flickr
Under post a reply,Submit your question or reply,Go down to where it says upload attachment click on browse find your attachment you want to up load in your computer click on it and open it.Up above you will see submit (not the one by attachment)click on that and it should go.
If it doesn't go your pic is to large.640x 425 is good 320x 212 is better
Hello Gerit
I too Welcome you to the site and hope-fully also to The National De Soto
If you use any after 1946 to 1955 De Soto Flat Head Six* in your 1952
Sportsman you will only need to have a Six Cylinder Bell Housing -
Starter and Motor Mount Brackets to do this swap vs all the other items
needed for what you are thinking.
The Transmission - Shift Lever's/ Linkage and etc that you have will not
need to be addressed ( touched ).
The Electrical Issues will not be an issue.
The Emerg Brake Issue will not be an issue.
Rodger and Gabby
All 1946 to 1955 Chrysler Flat Head Six has the same fitting abilities as
The De Soto Six's.
It won't be rare anymore
So this is what makes it rare ...
"I have a 74 camaro front clip I plan to install to modernize front brakes, steering, etc, also plan to install power brakes and then put a small block chevy in it temporarily so i can get it on the road:) I then plan to rebuild the HEMI and then put it back in the car"
Looks as if I boo-boo'd mentioning that a De Soto or Chrysler Six would work.
Rodger & Gabby
I guess I should be clear in what I mean by front clip, I am referring to a suspension/frame clip, Car will still look the same once its put back together. I am making a daily driver out of my Desoto and sorry but outdated drum brakes on the front and lack of power steering are 2 things I dont care to have on a daily driver. The car is all original the way it is now and is going to remain that way for the most part. I am not repainting it and I am not doing much work to the interior as it is in fairly good shape for being 65 yrs old, still has the headliner in it even! It will just have modernized front suspension/brakes which will make for better driving and handling
You Have a very nice and rare car there. Putting a Chevy front clip and a small block in it will take away its rarity, and It'll be just like any other street rod you see at your local cruise night.
It's certainly OK to be cool, but they're only Original Once!
Do Enjoy your car.
The above post caused me to do some thinking and change my mind, I am going to use the motor that is currently in it hopefully, fearing it maybe stuck. Tried to turn it over manually yesterday with a socket and breaker bar but it didnt move. Going to try squirting some oil in the cylinders and putting the plugs back in it. I had to get a new ignition lock cylinder since the car did not come with a key. I cant get the new cylinder to pop all the way in for some reason. Thoughts? I am also not going to clip the car but hopefully convert the front drums to disc.