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General Discussion
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July 15, 2021 12:31 pm
The message below is from Bill Noble and the Board of Trustees. If you have specific comments or questions, I suggest you reach out to them directly or speak to them during the open membership meeting Thursday evening at the convention.
As a member of the NDC, you are aware that you haven't received any club magazines since our roster issue earlier this year. This has been due to at least three factors:
1. Our Editor, Geoff Overley, had software problems in that the program he uses decided to push an update that resulted in Geoff losing all that he'd written up for the March-April issue. So he had to recreate all that he'd written from scratch.
2. Our Editor has also been having some health problems that results in him not being able to work on the magazine issues, nor on much of anything else.
3. Our Co-editor retired from that position earlier this year, so Geoff has been going at this alone. (Remember, he doesn't get paid to do this - all of his hard work is on a strictly volunteer basis.)
So has this caused some hardships for our members - sure. Will we get through this - absolutely. What can you do to help? Well, for one thing, if you think that you can and are willing to fill the Co-editor position, please let Geoff know. I'm not sure how much experience you need for this task - I'm guessing the more the better. (I don't know, however, just how desperate Geoff is to train a new editor.)
You can also help by submitting articles about your De Sotos - fun that you've had with your car(s), or technical issues and solutions, or its history, etc. - to Geoff via desotoadventures@gmail.com. That way, when he does get everything back up and running, he'll have lots of articles to chose from to fill in future magazine issues. If you own a 1946 De Soto, then a write-up about it and you would be especially welcomed since Geoff plans to put together an article about that year De Sotos celebrating their 75th anniversary.
Bill Noble
Secretary, NDC