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Will any other deck lid fit a 47 2 door desoto convedrtible?
The 1946 to 1948 Chrysler's, De Soto's and Dodge's all
fit the same space. It is the "trim" and etc that is to
have differant holes punched into the structure.
Do you hav an S-11 Parts Book ?
Rodger & Gabby
Thanks for the response Roger. I do not have an S-11 parts book. Do you know where I can get one? Are only the convertibles interchangeable or the coupes also? Trim not so important.
I have attached two scans which relate to your quest.
Also look at this site ... http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/46-48Chryslers/ .
It is the Chrysler "cousin" of what you have. All you need to say is,
"1946-1948 Coupe/ Convert Trunk Lid".
I do not remember when or where I purchased my Passenger Car Parts
List from.
Rodger & Gabby