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Hello All
This also includes Insurance Logo's that are
bolted to The Grill.
Now to the question ...
Do any of you have an "era item" such as this
for your De Soto ?
I do not and would like to have one that matches
my S-11.
if this was an 1950 Silver Streak question, it would
be yes ... But this is An De Soto Question
Rodger & Gabby
I see the license plate toppers all the time on ebay. I have a "I Like Ike" sticker on my 57 DeSoto stuck on a galvanized piece of metal and held on with magnets. Here's something even better... http://inspectionsticker.net/index.php? ... cts_id=664
Tim Mabry
The Lost Cause Garage
47 Suburban
57 Sportsman 4dr HT