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Hola There
Back in the Winter Of 1998 ( aka November ) I saw a Monterey
Blue 1947 S-11 that I "just had to have". With luck on my side,
it followed me home from South Dakota. I thought I was
lucky and Gabby thought I was proving that I was crazy.
All showing Wheel Cover's had two small holes drilled into
them with a small diameter piece of wire attached. At
first I wanted to "get rid of them" and find something that
was with-out holes. The other part of this is nothing
matched. One was from a Pontiac, One was a 1953 De Soto,
and two were De Soto ( later I found out # 1321595 was
Parts Talk for late 1949 and 1950 ). The two in the trunk
were un-drilled spares.
As I started asking for un-drilled Wheel Cover's I found out
what I had was not 1947 items. It took a little time to locate
enough covers to make four the same ( # 132595's ). So What,
they looked good and covered the Blue Wheels. I even
re-painted the Red Parts.
The other part of my findings was that in that era folks drilled
holes and used wire to keep them on rather that purchasing
new cover's every time they came off. The roads were a lot of
bumpy cracked cement with a seam across the road, bricked
cobble, gravel/dirt and pot holed asphalt.
Now to a question: Do any of you have Wheel Cover's that
lil holes drilled into them ?
Rodger & Gabby