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Happy New Year everyone! May 2015 be a year of Peace and Prosperity.
I'm curious if it would be a good idea to have a "sticky" post that shows a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. What questions would be helpful to provide for new people to see without having to search the forum archives?
I'll accumulate our ideas here.....
Brake Drum Removal
Engine colors/details
Door Handle Removal
Driving a Fluid Drive/why won't it shift?
What transmission fluid to use?
Obtaining Info from Chrysler Historical
Adjusting Brakes
Polarizing a Generator: When is it necessary and How do I do it?
DeCoding your Paint/Trim Tag
You get the idea.... what are your thoughts?
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Sounds like a great idea. It could either be a sticky with links or maybe on the left side column, or both. The most asked question is "How do I get the darn brake drums off?" I don't like sending people to other sites since they may wander off and not come back but the Imperial Club's FAQ/Tech area has a wealth of old Mopar info. I use it all the time.
Tim Mabry
The Lost Cause Garage
47 Suburban
57 Sportsman 4dr HT
Links to previous topics on our own forum could be used to keep people here when we have good answers, as well as directing people to helpful sites like the Imperial Club
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
I think it's a great idea. A few other forums I frequent have a sub forum which is only for tech articles written by the members. That way when searching for something you only come up with how to'so rather then every conversation that mentions the word "brake" for example.
It also means you don't have to get past the first 5 pages of sticky threads in the forum before finding any new posts.
But I'm not sure if that's possible with whatever computer system this forum uses so only my 0.02c ( which works out to be about .016c us, don't spend it all at once
Happy new year! It's tipped to be another 40deg cels day again today and I'm off to the shed.
1954 DeSoto Firedome 8 Club Coupe
Another FAQ
Procedure to get build sheet from Chrysler Historical
I like it. Maybe a "Tech Tips" section. The "how do I get the darn brake drum off?" question is the first one that came to mind. I've seen and answered it several times. Also, "how do I polarize the charging system?" and "why won't it up-shift?" and "how do I adjust the brakes?"
Really good idea for a fresh new year!
Have a Happy New Year!
Have you guys seen the new forum I created for FAQs and Articles?
I think I can split that forum into two sub forums, in order to separate articles from questions. Is that how we're envisioning it?
All you folks with these great ideas need to start writing, too, so we can start publishing.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Let's get started!
Anybody chompin' at the bit to get to writing some great tech articles on their favorite subject?
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
I just wanted to bump this back to the top and re-invite everybody to get to writing some articles for our FAQs and Technical Articles forums.
And thanks to Steve McManus for getting the ball rolling on an article on rear hub removal!
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
I tried making a Wiki once, which is great because it puts everything in easy to navigate pages. Put some radio stuff in there but nobody else participated so I gave it up.
Feel free to use it. I'll transfer ownership if you want it (and I'm able).