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Got my Adventures today,The Sept.Oct. edition and the Calender Hooray Hooray Hooray
Still waiting, somewhat patiently, here in CT
Got mine today.
What does this thread mean?? Adventures?? do you mean the Adventurer??
Chris, the Adventures is the National DeSoto Club magazine. Comes out every two months. You should consider joining the NDC. Click on RENEW-JOIN THE CLUB for info..
ooohhhh... it costs money. Thats for people who are enslaved to china, i mean who have jobs
Finally arrived in CT
Nice job on the calendar
Nothing here in KY yet.
Every year it is the same.
Well it is Kentucky, Steve......
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Got my SEp-OCT 2011 issue yesterday, 4 FEB only 6 months late. Things are looking up!
Have a nice day
Actually, if on time it would have arrived in November. Late for sure, but more like 3 months. We are working at getting the magazine back on time.