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Since I don't know for sure when the next issue of our club's magazine will be mailed out, I'm posting this request for nominations for the 2011 Hernando De Soto and Special Achievement Awards.
Each year, during our National Convention, the club presents these awards. Do you know a club member, or a group of club members, who have done something special for our club or for De Sotos? Perhaps she, he or they have been extra helpful in finding parts or information about De Sotos for other members. Or maybe they have helped out other members with their cars, or answered lots of questions on our club’s message board, or let non-members know more about De Sotos and our club while at car shows and swap meets. If you do, and would like that person or group to be acknowledged for their efforts, then nominate that person or group for either one of our Special Achievement Awards or for the Hernando De Soto Award.
The Special Achievement Awards are presented to our club members who have gone that extra mile during the previous year to help our club, our members, or our De Sotos. Anyone who is a member of our club may nominate another member, or group of members, for this award. If the member(s) being nominated has already won a Special Achievement Award during a previous convention, then this nomination would have to be for a different reason than that for which they have already won.
The Hernando De Soto Award is presented to our members who have done the most for our club. This annual award is the highest honor our club bestows upon any of our members. The effort that the member has demonstrated and is being nominated for may have occurred at any time during our club’s existence. Last year, the winners were Fay and Galen Erb for being charter members, attending most (all in Galen’s case) of our conventions, helping members with 1959 De Soto questions, and promoting the club during the Hershey car shows in addition to other car shows over the years.
Each nomination for these awards should include a detailed description of what was done for our club or our members or our De Sotos. For the Special Achievement Awards, please submit your nomination(s) to me by either mailing it to 2214 Grange Hall Rd, Beavercreek, OH 45431-2338, USA; or by e-mailing it to nobledesoto@ameritech.net.
For the Hernando De Soto Award, please submit your nomination(s) to Greg Walters by either mailing it to 1308 Clark Ave, Piqua, OH 45356-3016, USA; or by e-mailing it to desoto1956@hotmail.com.
Please have your nominations in no later than 30 June, 2011. Thank you for your participation in the acknowledgement of the special efforts put forth by our members.