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I need a driver's side exhaust manifold for a '57 Firesweep (325 poly) if anyone has an extra that's taking up space.
I can find the passenger's side manifolds, but no driver's side.
My car is running fine, and I don't hear any hissing or ticking. But the driver's side manifold has a crack in it, and I thought that I may as well try to find a replacement while I'm busy digging around, making other changes in the engine compartment.
Or - does anyone know how "easy" it is to repair a cracked manifold, if it can/should be done at all?
Beside '57 Firesweep, that same part no.1634445 was used on '56 Dodge Coronet, Royal, & Custom , '57 Dodge except D500, & '58 Dodge Coronet and Royal except D-500.
Good Luck
Thank you, Steve!
That info will come in handy!
Call your local Air Port and ask a General Aviation Shop where is a local
place that will weld a Cast Iron Exhaust Manifold ( with out "robbing
you" ). Then call them on the phone to "get the best deal".
It makes no difference if it is a car exhaust manifold or from Briggs &
Stratton exhaust manifold for they both have the same issues.
Just so you know the complete exhaust manifold will need to be heated,
and then it may be "fixed" while it is very very hot.
I am glad you addressed this because I have a exhaust manifold for
Roger Hawke - that is for his car.
Rodger & Gabby
Thank you, Rodger!
It's good to know that a repair is possible, should it come to that.