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PM me your email, and I'll let you know when I arrive home...
WHAT THE H---! before I spent the kind of moolah you guys are talking about I'd take it to a shop (unless you have a pressure tester) and see if you can isolate the exact source of the leak(s). If they are visible, mark them or stick a toothpick in the hole, remove both top and bottom tank and, like we did in the old days, seal off the leaking tubes top and bottom unless it is really small and easily sealable with solder (I've even used red hi temp rtv). take all the dents out of the tanks and re-solder them. If the leaks are many and/or major, then you can replace it. dave
sides which, I just googled Desoto radiator and went to the first listing and was quoted under 200 for a 55 radiator..I think you should investigate further. I had a local muffler and rad. shop in Tacoma replace the rad in my 55 dodge about 10 years ago and it was about 200..no problem.