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I found some power window motors on Ebay and almost have everything as far as power window ready to go back into Hernando.
Did you find the switches for the windows you were looking for?
Your rear ashtrays are the same for 53 & 54 DeSoto two door hardtops and convertibles as well as those for the 53 & 54 Chrysler hardtops & convertibles. These consist of ash receivers, face plates, housings, and knobs. I asume you need the complete workings. The only parts I can find available are the 1455220 knobs Your best bet would be from a donor car which may be a long shot. Would it be possible to cut out metal for the openings in your arm rests and have these chrome plated and purchase the knobs and have faux rear ash trays?
For some reason I dont get notified whan a responce comes back.