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Yes, running 6V positive ground. Getting that hub over the crankshaft was a big job last night. I should have everything back together by next week and I'll report back.
Ok, to all that helped me, thank you VERY much. I wish I had a definitive reason for the rough running...but I don't. I put everything back together, adjusted the points as Tim described several posts back by setting the static timing on the distributor to the point where the points are just about to open, got in, and it started right up. It ran somewhat rough until it warmed up and then as smooth as ever. My only conclusion is that either I had the distributor timing so far off that I was unable to adjust it properly, or there was something else that I fixed while putting everything back together. I'll never know. So, what would cause the rough cold running? It also blows black smoke out the tailpipe while cold. My choke is working properly. What else can I check? (I have the hubcaps, just had the fronts off to check the brakes)
The carburetor choke is not set correctly. While it may be working OK in terms of opening up as the engine warms, upon initial startup, it is open too much and is resulting in a lean condition.
Glad to hear it's up and running again! I thought Fords were the only car that responded to dis-assembly and re-assembly and then working without ever really figuring out what'cha fixed......
How old is the gas? You might want to get some pure gasoline (no ethanol) in there to freshen things up.
Looking at your picture of the car makes me wish my dad would let me spend a little time on his...... a little polishing is all it takes, right?
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Yes, glad to hear it is running. It usually is something simple that we are overlooking. Sorry about convincing you that you needed to check the timing chain but something didn't sound right about the timing marks.
Thanks Ron. I assumed it needed to be 100% closed when cold and 100% open when warm. I will adjust it by hand while running cold and see what it does.
I would think in the summertime it shouldn't close at all......
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Thanks Ron. I assumed it needed to be 100% closed when cold and 100% open when warm. I will adjust it by hand while running cold and see what it does.
Before doing a cold start, prop the choke open about 1/8". A wooden shish kabob skewer will do the trick. See if your results are any different.