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Great Calender there is one picture I really like
Just got the calender today. i think it is great. Congratulations Dan on another fantastic job.
The calendar is great, but there are still too many errors in the main publication...
Thanks y'all, I appreciate the kind words.
They are only mailed out with the Club magazine to members
Actually, there are a limited number of calendars available through the Club Store. Contact Rodger Reddish.
GOOD JOB, Dan...
We joined in Nov. but have not received the calendar or newsletters. How do we go about receiving them. I would like to know how to look at what the store has.
Great Job Dan on the calendar....love it:)
I just received my Sept/Oct issue along with the calendar. It is lovely, and a pleasant surprise as I eagerly unwrapped the plastic packaging. Thanks for all of your hard work that was put into it.
1955 Desoto Fireflite Coronado
1959 Desoto Fireflite 4 door Sedan
1959 Desoto Fireflite 2 door Hardtop
When I paid the membership, I was suppose to get magazines and I have not received them or the calendar. Who can check and get them started. I have been a member since Nov.
You sent me a statement saying that you had joined the National
De Soto Club in November and you was Member Number 144. This
is you listing on this free site of the National De Soto Club.
If you have paid dues to the Membership Secretary, then you should
have you should have recieved a 2011 Calendar from Him. I just called
and left a message at his listed number in hope of resolving the 2011
Calendar to you.
The second part is that I do owe you an reply to some of the items for the
Stores Inventory ( Hats, Cups, Sticker's and the like ) that you asked about.
Rodger & Gabby
Lynn and Roger
I just spoke with the Membership Secretary and was told that
when you joined the National De Soto Club, this was at the
"Cut Off Date".
Please watch for a 2011 Calendar being sent to your address.
Rodger & Gabby