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Got 'em ! Thanks!
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Hey, Jim;
When you sanded/stripped your Adventurer, did you find that the entire body and doors had been painted white prior to black?
Picture shows gold paint under the black on the doors at the sweep. We also found gold at the top of the fins on the rear quarters, and on the cowl at the base of the windshield.
I assume the entire body was painted the sweep color, and then was masked for the 2nd body color. Painting the whole body in the 1st color would have saved the time necessary to mask the car twice.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Seeing how it was more than two days ago, I couldn't recall... I had to go back and look at my pictures. YES, I can tell by the pics it WAS white with black painted over it. From what I can tell... I don't believe the "Hood, Front fenders, and deck lid were painted white first. ONLY the "body" shell. Also, I don't have any pictures of me stripping/sanding the right side door. The left door had been repaired at one time during it's life, and had another primer and paint on it; so I couldn't tell you about "my" doors.
Had a couple of weeks now with the sheetmetal back from the blaster, and have some new progress picts to show.
Oh, and by the way, if you watch the video discussing the rusted out quarter, at one point you can hear my belt against the concrete floor. I wasn't having problems with flatulence. Right then, anyway.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Woo-hoo. Another opportunity to hear me ramble.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Rust repair is nearing completion (there wasn't much of it to do!)
Also have the frame and its components back from the blaster, so the chassis will be coming back together this month, too.
More pictures on the website......
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Your 1/4 repair looks vaguely familiar...
When I spay gold it never looks that good!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, but I'm sure you're being too hard on yourself. We're always our worst critics.
I AM thankful for basecoat colors, especially when doing metallics. Much easier to get the metallic to lay out well in a basecoat than it is in a single stage.
Also, I am purposefully segmenting the paint job on the car into smaller jobs so that it's more manageable. It would be super hard to get around an entire car that's this large and do it well, especially in the heat we've been having.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
Maaco'S Getting pretty good.LOL