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somewhere I've developed the idea that the '55 engines had black lettering on the spark plug wire covers, regardless of whether they were 'Domes or 'Flites.
Not sure WHY I've thought that, but I came up with that idea somewhere.
Need to get the '55 Fireflite covers done on our sedan project, so I thought I'd better ask the experts.
Red or Black for the '55 'Flites?
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)
I very carefully painted mine (55 fireflite) red and it took a long time; then I saw sets of vinyl letters on ebay perfectly done. the firedome was black and fireflite in red. I bought a set of red. they still appear there from time to time.
The lettering on the 55 Fireflites should be red to be as original. If decals are desired, Jim Osborn Reproductions has these in red for the Fireflites and black for the Firedomes.
Yeah, I don't know where I came up with the idea that the '55s were both black. Didn't feel right.
Knew it would get cleared up here! Bought a set of the red ones on ebay.
It's supposed to be fun!
1949 De Soto Custom Convertible (project)