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Hello All
Do any of you have an Parts Book Scan or photo of one ( it does
not matter is it is rusted or less the engine ) ? If you have either
would you please share the visual with me ?
Both of our Home Emails had "An Wake" and then some person was
controlling the PC from their place ( aka hacked into ). This means I
have very little to operate on - for now.
The Email for Gabby is now operating, but for me ( the main target )
it is still nada.
When this first started happening I did let others of The Officer's/
Trustees know about this.
Rodger & Gabby
Hello All
From the Post War Heavy Metal Site that has a lot of 46-48 Chrysler's
and very few De Soto Drivers I found this ... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/46-48Chry ... 96056/view ,
which is for 8 cylinder cars.
In the 1949 Chrysler Parts Book on page 101 it shows on # 1254 059 and it seems to be an C46 and C47 Listing in common cars.
There must be something for 6 cylinder De Sotos in the same 46 to 50 years
under Police - Sever Duty - Taxi or High Altitude.
Rodger & Gabby