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Hello All
For a engine that has the ole design Oil Canister, what is the
correct colour this unit should be ???
In the last twelve years I have seen Chrome/Silver, Red, Yellow
( like a Construction Back Hoe Engine color ), OD Green ( this was
a 1953 ex-Army Pwr Wagon that I had ) and three different shades
of Black.
Is the Unit that is with a vehicle one color and the Re-placement
in the Box from the Parts Counter the same colour?
I am trying to seperate from "what looks nice" and the way they
Rodger & Gabby
Rodger, my 53 Firedome has the cannister and it still has some of the original black paint on it. It has never been painted except for the original paint.
Thank You for letting us know. Since I asked this question
I feel as if a Paint Store has had sales across the world.
Our '47 had the unit painted "Caterpiller Yellow" when I got it
from S. Dakota in November of 1998. It is the correct unit,
just yellow.
Others have sent me emails showing them Industerial Red
( on the engine and still in the box ), a Orange ( Still in the box
and on the engine ), a Silver/Chrome and for Black it is a
Semi-Gloss or Satin that most of them are now painted.
I looked at what I had when I got the car and every unit since
then. This seems to be one of those items that several vendors
send to the De Soto Engine Builders so they could ship the engines
out. Because of this I would not like to be one of the Judges
inspecting a vehicle unless the vehicle is quickly labeled
"as modified" if it beyond one of the above colours with a point
Rodger & Gabby
I think you might be right Roger, differant vendors suppling them in differant colors. Most of them I have seen are orange. Les
My 37 & 38 are Orange MY 41& 47 are Black
All 1957 should be black.