The 1938 model year saw declined sales across the board due to the market conditions. Regardless of what the sales figures might show, the new DeSoto was as good as ever. A significant styling change from 1937 was the change in mounting of the headlights from the side of the hood to the tops of the fenders. This would only last the one year as 1939 saw integrated headlights for the first time. Along with the headlights was other revised styling details, especially in the front end, but the notable unseen change was in the chassis, which grew to 119 and 136 inches for the two chassis types. 10% larger brake sizes were used with the previous chassis features. Inside the car, the parking brake moved from the floor to under the instrument panel. 1938 would be the last year for a convertible sedan in a DeSoto.
Engine: 228 c.i. 6 cylinder, 93 hp standard, 100 hp w/optional head
Wheelbase: 119 inches (standard), 136 (7+ passenger cars)
US Deluxe VIN Start: 5598301
US Deluxe VIN End: 5632912
US Custom VIN Start: 6061701
US Custom VIN End: 6064250
Canada (all) VIN Start: 9666936
Canada (all) VIN End: 9668604
US Taxi VIN Start: 5095001
US Taxi VIN End: 5095372
Production Numbers
4-Door Touring Sedans Produced: 23,681
4-Door Custom Touring Sedans Produced: 2,550
4-Door Sedan with Luggage Compartments Produced: 498
4-Door 7-Passenger Sedans Produced: 513
4-Door 7-Passenger Sedan-Limousines Produced: 81
2-Door Touring Broughams with Trunk Produced: 5,367
2-Door Touring Broughams without Trunk Produced: 11
2-Door Business Coupes with Rear Luggage Rack Produced: 5,160
2-Door Coupes with Rumble Seat Produced: 38
Convertible Sedans Produced: 88
Convertible Coupes Produced: 431
Source: The Plymouth and DeSoto Story by Don Butler